Prot. No. 55 Rome, 13 January 2014
Dear all,
Apimondia is honoured to invite you to ApiOrganica 2014, in Castel San Pietro Terme (Bologna - Italy), from 4th to 7th March 2014.
The Symposium, organised in partnership with the most representative Italian Beekeeping Organisations, Unaapi and Conapi, will provide a unique opportunity to exchange information and updates on organic beekeeping in Italy and all over the world.
Participants will also have the chance to attend APIMELL, the most important Mediterranean beekeeping exhibition, and visit Conapi's establishment, a cooperative that processes and commercialises 20% of the best Italian honey.
The Scientific Committees for the ApiOrganica Symposium 2014 invite all interested researchers, technicians and professional beekeepers who want to share an innovation result or field experience, to submit an abstract.
Abstracts can address one or more of the following topics:
• organic beekeeping: environmental quality, GMOs and colony distinctive management
• colony health management: treatments and biotechnical methods:
a) varroa mite block and related diseases
b) brood and other bee diseases
• distinctive priorities of organic beekeeping: regulation and certification
• marketing of organic bee products
• organic beekeeping: challenges and opportunities for developing countries
Please visit our web page for further information and feel free to contact the Secretariat at
Yours sincerely,
Mara Alacqua
Symposium Secretariat
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